Project Description
Client: Irish Rail
Main Contractor: Total Highway Maintenance Ltd.
Installation Method: Directional Drilling
Brief Job Description
This job required the installation of 2 bores with 4 x 180mm red cable ducts under 14 railway tracks and train maintenance building for the NTCC building enabling works at Heuston Station.
4m spacing was required between the two bores for security in the event of damage to one of the pipes during future excavation works. A pit of 1m depth was required for the drilling rig to enable for the bores to be drilled the required depth below the tracks.
Fixed exit points were given where manholes were to be installed at a later date, so accurate pilot bores were required. On completion of the pilot, the bore was pre-reamed with 300mm, 450mm and 550mm reamers. The 4 x 180mm ducts were then pulled through the bore.
All works were completed on-schedule, to the satisfaction of the main contractor and Irish Rail.